Inflammation or Degeneration phase | |
Main remedy: | Belladonna compositum |
Secondary remedy: | Arnica-Heel |
Phase remedies: | Echinacea compositum Mucosa compositum |
(Mucodermal reaction or orodermal reaction or degeneration phase) (In addition to necessary serum therapy)
Angin-Heel S 1 tablet at 8 a.m., 12 noon and 4 p.m.
Arnica-Heel 8-10 drops at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
possibly both preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily. Hormeel S (stimulation of the hypophyseal system)
Traumeel S tablets (resorptive mercury and enzyme-generating sulphide effect) Injection therapy
Traumeel S or Mercurius cyanatus-Injeel i.v.
Echinacea compositum S (stimulation of the defensive systems)
Causticum-Injeel S, Lathyrus sativus-Injeel, Gelsemium-Injeel S and Medulla oblongata suis-Injeel in paralysis once to twice weekly i.m.
Diphtherinum-Injeel (forte) for paresis
Cerebrum compositum and possibly Coenzyme compositum (for post diphtherial paralysis, in addition to the above)
See also angina, tonsillitis, etc.