Arthritis of the hip
Arthritis of the hip
(Cavodermal reaction, deposition and degeneration phase) (Main remedy: Colocynthis-Homaccord)
Graphites-Homaccord at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., 8-10 drops
Galium-Heel at 12 noon and 8 p.m., 8-10 drops
the above preparations 4-6 times daily, later 2-3 times daily taken together (5-8 drops each), advantageously in daily alternation with Zeel (tablets) and possibly Traumeel S tablets (regeneration of the sulphide enzymes).
Abropernol (alternating remedy). Lithiumeel (breaks down deposits).
Rhododendroneel S (alternating remedy to Colocynthis-Homaccord). Dulcamara-Homaccord (sensitivity to wet weather).
Injection therapy Traumeel S, Zeel P.
Traumeel S with Medulla ossis suis-Injeel and Cartilago suis-Injeel, Hepar suis-Injeel and Placenta suis-Injeel periarticularly, otherwise Graphites-Homaccord, Colocynthis- Homaccord and Antimonium crudum-Injeel forte, on Mondays i.v. and intradermal (segmental).
Discus compositum ampoules (remedy for disorders of the vertebral column, bones and tendons) for long-term therapy once weekly i.m., otherwise possibly, further, Hypophysis suis-Injeel as intermediate injection.
Cartilago suis-Injeel, Glandula parathyreoidea suis-Injeel and Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel as mixed injection on Thursdays i.m.
Coenzyme compositum and possibly Ubichinon compositum (improvement of the general enzyme functions), possibly also the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle, incorporated according to the treatment of also Acidum DL-malicum-Injeel, Baryum oxalsuccinicum-Injeel, Acidum fumaricum-Injeel and Acidum-citricum-Injeel intermixed at intervals.
Testis compositum (revitalization in men) or Ovarium compositum (for women), in addition possibly Placenta compositum (peripheral circulation) as intermediate injection.
Progressive auto-sanguis therapy with the preparations mentioned.