Adiposis dolorosa
Adiposis dolorosa
Deposition or Impregnation phase | |
Main remedy: | Hamamelis-Homaccord |
Secondary remedies: | Graphites-Homaccord |
Galium-Heel | |
Phase remedies: | Thyreoidea compositum Coenzyme compositum Ubichinon compositum |
(Mesenchymal deposition phase)
(Main remedies: Graphites-Homaccord, Strumeelforte N) Strumeel forte N at 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., 8-10 drops
Hormeel S at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., 8-10 drops
Graphites-Homaccord at 12 noon and 8 p.m., 8-10 drops possibly the above preparations 2-4-6 times daily, taken together. Apis_Homaccord (oedema)
Lymphomyosot (mesenchymal drainage)
Aesculus compositum (regulation of the peripheral circulation) Syzygium compositum (pyknic form of diabetes mellitus) Aurumheel N (oedema, myocardial weakness)
Traumeel S tablets (regeneration of the sulphide enzymes) Injection therapy
Thyreoidea compositum (stimulation of the thyroid function), possibly also Ovarium compositum (stimulation of the hormonal function in women), or Testis compositum (for men) as well as Tonsilla compositum (general stimulation of the defensive powers); at intervals also Coenzyme compositum, alternating with Ubichinon compositum (enzyme functions), in place of which, possibly also the curative application of Hypophysis suis-Injeel and Graphites-Homaccord on Mondays, s.c., i.m., possibly with Acidum DL-malicum-Injeel, Natrium pyruvicum-Injeel, Acidum fumaricum- Injeel, Acidum succinicum-Injeel, Acidum a-ketoglutaricum-Injeel, etc., Glandula thyreoidea suis-Injeel and Graphites-Homaccord on Thursdays s.c., i.m., with Acidum L(+)-asparagicum-Injeel, Baryum oxalsuccinicum-Injeel, Acidum cis-aconiticum-Injeel, etc. Adeps suillus-Injeel (forte) for connective-tissue-blocking effect (deposits of fat).
Grippe-Nosode-Injeel (connective tissue damage through retoxic therapy of influenza). Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel (remedy for disorders of the connective tissue).
Solidago compositum S and Lymphomyosot alternating at intervals (stimulation of the kidneys and function of the connective tissue to flush out oedema), possibly also Tonsilla compositum (powerful stimulation of the general defence system).
Strictly sutoxin-free diet, fruit diet days, massage.